Zen Poliklinik

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrows create a powerful effect on facial expression. Eyebrows may fall out for some reason or even disappear completely. In such cases, people want to have eyebrow transplantation done. Professional eyebrow transplantation is performed in Zen Polyclinic to restore the eyebrows, which have a great effect on facial beauty and make them even more beautiful. There are some reasons for eyebrow sparseness and eyebrow loss in which eyebrow transplantation is preferred.

  • Incorrectly shaped eyebrows at frequent intervals
  • Change in eyebrow structure with aging
  • Have ringworm
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Disruption of the structure of the eyebrow roots due to infection
  • Burning eyebrow area
  • To get a tattoo
  • Lack of nutrients
  • Receiving chemotherapy treatment

In the case of dissatisfied eyebrows after the situations listed above, it is possible to achieve great results with eyebrow transplantation in the Zen Polyclinic, where there are skilled doctors who are experts in this field. The effect of eyebrow transplantation on the expression and beauty of your face is undeniable.

Are Hair Roots Used in Eyebrow Transplantation Natural?

Of course, hair roots are natural. The reason why eyebrow transplantation is a natural and beautiful choice is that the hair follicles are natural and taken from the person’s body.

After Making the Eyebrow Transplant Decision

People who experience eyebrow shedding or eyebrow loss should consider some situations after deciding to apply eyebrow transplant treatment.

  • Caffeine use should be minimal.
  • Blood-thinning medications should not be used.
  • Herbal teas that have a thinning effect on the blood should not be consumed.
  • Smoking should be prevented.
  • To strengthen the eyebrow roots, attention should be paid to nutrition.

With all these situations, it will be one of the right steps to make an appointment at the Zen Polyclinic with eyebrow transplant specialists and get information about your eyebrow structure. Thus, for eyebrow transplantation, information is provided about your eyebrow structure and how successful a result will be achieved with hair follicles suitable for this structure. Eyebrow hairs are hairs that have a different structure on the body. For this reason, meeting with our experts in our polyclinic is one of the most important steps.



Eyebrow Transplantation Stages

Eyebrow transplantation requires professionalism. A strong eyebrow transplant plan is made at the Zen Polyclinic, which is the right address for this. This planning is important as eyebrows are of great importance in terms of symmetry, and will determine the shape of the eyebrows. The location of the most suitable hair roots to be taken for the eyebrow is determined. In this case, hair roots are generally taken from the scalp, back, and sides. Our eyebrow transplant specialists determine the direction of eyebrow growth and begin the transplantation process in that direction. This situation requires delicate manual dexterity. Eyebrow transplantation is performed precisely and strongly with the professionalism of our experts. Since it is not a surgical procedure, it is a somewhat comfortable procedure. Local anesthesia is applied to minimize the sensation before the eyebrow transplantation procedure begins.

After Eyebrow Transplantation

After the eyebrow transplant, eyebrow development begins in a level manner. How long eyebrows will grow varies from person to person. Because each person’s eyebrow and hair root structure is different. This development begins to show itself within 3 months on average. It may take 7 months for the eyebrows to take their final shape. Successfully transplanted hair follicles are permanent in the eyebrows of the person for a lifetime. After the eyebrow transplant, hair loss may occur during the development of the eyebrows. This situation is normal and temporary. At the end of the development, it will be noticed that those spills have also improved. After the eyebrow transplant, if the eyebrows grow longer, the eyebrows can be shortened with scissors.

Eyebrows that grow out at first may appear weak. However, thicker and stronger eyebrows will emerge after a while after the eyebrow transplant. After the eyebrow transplant, it is necessary to take some time for the desired result. For this reason, some maintenance needs to be done for the healthy and successful development of eyebrow transplantation.

Care Necessity After Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow transplantation is a sensitive method. After the procedure, the person will need to pay attention to some conditions that can be called some care for the eyebrow transplantation to give a healthier result. This situation can last up to a month. Every intervention on the eyebrows at this timing should be done with great care. After the eyebrow transplant, there may be a red appearance and crust formation in the area. The important situation here is to wait for these crusts to shed over time and spontaneously. After the eyebrow transplantation, no water contact and pressure should be applied for a few days.

Frequently Asked Questions About Eyebrow Transplantation

Below, we have answered some questions that are wondered by many people for you.

How long is the eyebrow transplant session?

Eyebrow transplantation should be done professionally and carefully. For this reason, each session takes approximately 1-2 hours.

How will I know that I am suitable for eyebrow transplantation?

The structure and insufficiency of the eyebrows is the first point to be determined. At this point, we invite you to meet with our eyebrow transplant specialists at the Zen Polyclinic to perform eyebrow analysis.

What happens if the eyebrows are plucked after the eyebrow transplant?

It is very likely that the eyebrows, which have completed their development, will reappear as a result of the rupture. However, it should be ensured that this situation does not happen.

Will my eyebrows look natural after eyebrow transplantation?

You will have a natural look after the eyebrow transplantation procedures we carry out with great precision and care in the Zen Polyclinic.

How many procedures are required for eyebrow transplantation?

Together with the structure of the eyebrows and the features the person wants for the eyebrow, the number of procedures may increase or decrease.

Kaş Ekimi Nasıl Yapılır?

Kaş ekimi teknik olarak profesyonellik gerektiren bir uygulamadır. En Akılcı planlama gerektirir. Kaşın uygun yöntem olarak Kaş ekiminde DHI yöntemi gösterilebilir istenen şekli için önceden bir planlama yapılmalıdır. Kaş, yüzü çerçevesi olduğundan simetri büyük önem taşımaktadır.

Kaş ekimi işleminde, kıl folikülleri implantasyon yöntemi için kafa derisinin arka veya yanları gibi verici bölgelerden çıkarılır. Daha sonra küçük insizyonlar kaş bölgelerinin uygun yerlerinde ve belli bir açılarda yapılır.

Sonuçta, çıkarılan kıl folikülleri, işlemi tamamlamak için alıcı alanlara dikkatle ve düzgün bir şekilde implante edilir. Greftlerin yerleştirilmesi, tıpki saç ekimindeki gibi kaş ekiminin ne kadar doğal görüneceğini belirleyecektir. Tüm işlem, ağrısız bir ameliyat için lokal anestezi uygulanarak yapılır.

Kaş ekimi uygulamasından sonra kaşların ne kadar sürede uzayacağı hastalar tarafından merak edilmektedir. Her insanın yapısı farklı olduğu için bu süre de farklılık göstermektedir. Ancak genellikle 3 ay içinde süreç gerçekleşmeye başlar ve 7 ayda kaşlar son halini almış olurlar. Bu işlemde destekleyici olması açısından ekimi takip eden bir buçuk iki ay sonra mezoterapi ve PRP enjeksiyonları ile yeni çıkacak kaşların bölgeye tutunma şansları arttırılır.