What is Regenera Activa?
Regenera Activa is a tool developed and manufactured for clinical application of regenerative procedures using healthy hair cells from same patient to improve areas that requires improvement.
Regenera Activa relies solely on patient’s own ability to yield healthy hair follicles by “triggering” areas on the scalp that has poor hair growth.
Procedure Of Regenera Activa
Tiny skin samples(2.5mm wide) are extracted comfortably at less prominent & healthy area of the scalp(back of ear).
Collected samples are being processed in Regenera Activa device, where samples will be divided in to absorbable portions.
These healthy samples will be then injected into areas on the scalp that requires improvement in hair growth.
When will I see results?
It depends on each case: age, genetic input (number of genes for this pathology, which may determine the speed and the extent of alopecia). microscopically, we can observe a significant reduction of the number of miniaturized hair within one month, and towards the FOURTH MONTH, we can observe changes in quality and number of hairs and a high hair density.
Regenera Activa relies solely on patient’s own ability to yield healthy hair follicles by “triggering” areas on the scalp that has poor hair growth.
How long do results last?
There are many patients that had a single session and after 2 years still enjoy the achieved results.
However, every patient is different and it is important to visit your doctor and perform a microscopic evaluation every year.
Regenera Activa relies solely on patient’s own ability to yield healthy hair follicles by “triggering” areas on the scalp that has poor hair growth.