Facial Mesotherapy – NCTF 135 HA
It will restore the shine it lost to your skin; would you like to learn a non-surgical, incision-free, risk-free youth therapy method? This anti-aging therapy, known as Mesotherapy, is applied through a product called NCTF 135 HA. This treatment, which stands for “New Cellular Treatment Factor”, is applied by injecting many vitamins, minerals, and coenzymes that trigger regeneration at the cellular level directly into the lower layer of the skin. The injection process increases the regeneration and healing activity by stimulating a massive number of active substances to your cells, resulting in a brighter, younger, and tighter skin appearance.
Zen Polyclinic applies facial mesotherapy with the most effective components, high-tech methods, and a hygienic process. Mesotherapy, a new generation formula, displays its effect quickly, especially when applied to skins aged 35 and over. This formula, which was first produced by a French physician in 1978, offers your skin a full “youth resistance” in multiple ways.
Mesotherapy in Zen nonsurgical youth therapy will revitalize your skin with the unique vitamin cocktail it contains.
What is in the Content of Mesotherapy Injection?
The Mesotherapy method, which is implemented by the experts in the field of the Zen Polyclinic, contains many components with medically proven effects. Some of these are as follows.
- Hyaluronic acid: While hyaluronic acid provides strong moisturization of the sub-tissue of the skin, it also helps to conserve this moisture in the skin. Dryness problems on the skin can cause a dull appearance, wrinkles, and sensitivity. The moisture potential provided by cellular injection will help to minimize such problems.
- 14 numerous vitamins (mainly A, B, C, E vitamins): 14 numerous vitamins to be applied to your skin without surgical intervention within the framework of mesotherapy support skin health and have properties that will encourage cells to act effectively.
- Vitamin A prevents skin flaking and produces a softer and moisturized texture. Therefore, vitamin A is an extremely strong protector, especially for flaking due to moisture loss and winter eczema.
- Vitamin B increases the protecting power and resistance of skin barriers by preserving moisture in the skin. This ingredient, which fights independent radicals on the skin surface and prevents healthy cell activities, is the harbinger of a fresh, tight, and youthful appearance.
- Vitamin C helps to eliminate periodic acne on the skin by healing them as much as possible without any traces and wounds. Supporting the genuine radiance of the skin, vitamin C remains the basis of the radiance that the Mesotherapy will add.
- Vitamin E is an ingredient used by all women over the age of 25 to prevent the formation of fine wrinkles or to spread them. The most important feature of the vitamin is it prevents moisture loss between wrinkles and reduces the corresponding appearance. With this feature, vitamin E is identified as one of the fundamental components of many beauty products.
- 24 Different Amino Acids: Amino acids are one of the most effective ingredients that can preserve youth on your skin with the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen molecules they contain. The first of the prominent features of aging skin is the thinning of the upper layer.
- With the increase in capillary appearance, the skin, which becomes more vulnerable to external effects, is exposed to problems like sagging and wrinkles. While all these cause the skin to lose its elasticity, it prevents breathing, regeneration, and tissue nutrition. Amino acids, which contain many molecules required by an active cell, are directly injected into your skin cells thanks to the mesotherapy. This means ensuring maximum efficiency from these ingredients.
- Antioxidant: Free radicals that damage the effective activities of cells and stop regeneration accelerate aging. Standing out among other anti-aging treatments with its antioxidant content, Mesotherapy helps to fight against free radicals, whose effect is increasing especially due to air pollution, harmful sun rays, and other vital factors. For more radiant and healthier skin, it empowers your skin to resist aggressive and aging effects.
What Changes Will Happen to Your Skin After Mesotherapy?
Instantly after our specialist doctors apply the therapy, you may observe many changes in your skin. Highlights of these changes are as follows:
- There is a high rate of increase in moisture in the skin structure. This increase allows you to get rid of the dry and scaly appearance of the skin. This also indicates a brighter surface and face.
- The elasticity of the skin increases. The dull, solid, and thin appearance of the skin is reduced. Your skin looks more intact, its lower surface is thicker and healthier. It has a much more resistant structure against the damages of external effects and independent radicals.
- The pores that allow the skin to breathe grow more than necessary when they encounter excess dirt and dust. Pores, which produce an extraordinarily rapid rate of oil, become the primary cause of acne formation over time. One of the benefits of the Mesotherapy treatment is the reduction of the pore appearance. This reduction enables many improvements in terms of both cosmetic and skin health.
- More collagen occurs in the dermis. This means that damage, wrinkles, and lines are minimized. The most important benefit of NCTF therapy, which injects collagen directly into the dermis layer of the skin, is the healed and regenerated skin cells.
You start feeling all these effects from the first application. For the most effective results, do not forget to visit our clinic at intervals recommended by your doctor.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mesotherapy
Here are the frequently askes questions and their answers about facial mesotherapy:
How Many Sessions Should Paris Glow Be Applied?
You can rely on Zen Polyclinic doctors in your journey to beautify your skin. After your doctor examines your skin, he or she will perform an analysis of your age, current condition, and sensitivity of your skin. After the analysis, a special therapy calendar is created for you. 3 or 4 sessions are typically applied at intervals of 7 to 10 days, provide you with the maximum effect in a brief time.
Should I Reapply Mesotherapy Periodically?
Younger-looking skin requires a vigorous resistance to signs of aging. To maintain the impressive effects of Mesotherapy, you can pursue the process with preventive treatments. Once the fundamental therapy is completed, one-session protective treatments every few months will be beneficial to maintain the elasticity and activity of the skin cells.
Can Mesotherapy Be Applied Around the Eye?
Yes, of course! Wrinkles and bruises around the eyes, one of the first beauty concerns of many women, can be minimized with Mesotherapy. Components that can be applied to the sensitive eye area display the youthful effect there, too.
Do not forget to contact us to get an expert opinion on Mesotherapy and easily make an appointment in a brief time.