Hair Transplant
Hair transplantation is a surgical method applied by transplanting hair from the area with strong hair roots to the area with thin hair or no hair. Hair loss is one of the primary problems affecting millions of women and men around the world. If you are experiencing hair loss and are looking for a suitable hair transplant solution for you, the experienced team of Private Zen Polyclinic offers hair loss solutions with proven permanent hair transplantation techniques.
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair transplantation, which is a surgical method applied to the area with thin hair or no hair, on the bread, is a gradually developing procedure. The surgeon cleans the scalp and applies anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain. The doctor selects one of the methods suitable for your hair for the transplantation process and initiates the procedure by forwarding it to you.
The surgeon typically removes the scalp from the back of the scalp and stitches the scalp area over the strip, concealing the area above and below the hair. The surgeon divides the strip into 500 to 2000 grafts containing a hair or bristle. The quality of the grafts depends on the hair type, color, and size.
Our specialists can shave the back of the scalp employing appropriate methods and take the hair follicles from there one by one. The area heals with narrow spots that your remaining hair will secure. From this point on, both processes are pretty much the same. After the preparation of the grafts, the surgeon cleans the recipient area and anesthetizes it with anesthesia. It produces small incisions with special needles and places each graft one by one into the holes.
Since the whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not endure any pain or ache. After the application, new hair follicles will grow and fall out afterward. This situation is extremely normal, and the hair that grows afterward will be completely permanent. Contact us for more detailed information!
Which Hair Transplant Methods Does Zen Polyclinic Offer?
Zen Polyclinic offers several different methods’ being;
- DHI Hair transplantation
- Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation
- Soft FUE Hair Transplantation
About the hair and hair transplant process
An adult with a healthy scalp has approximately 100 thousand hair strands and approximately 100-150 hair strands per day are considered normal, and new hairs typically grow in place of the shed hair. Baldness is experienced by the thinning of hair follicles and the inability to replace the shed hair.
Hair loss in women is generally based on genetic factors. Also, in recent years, the problem of hair loss is more common in women due to hormonal problems, excessive stress, unbalanced nutrition, and prolonged starvation. Due to genetic predispositions, hormonal and nutritional factors, systemic diseases, exposure to chemicals, hair growth disorder, stress and skin diseases, and the side effects of the drugs used, both men and women may not be able to replace the shed hair and baldness may occur due to the inability to nourish the hair follicles.
Who is suitable for hair transplantation?
In most cases, age and gender are not limiting factors for hair transplantation techniques. It can be successfully applied to individuals from the 20s to 70 years and over.
Clients struggling with baldness: Hair transplantation techniques can be successfully applied to those who want to increase their hair density or want to have an increasingly attractive hairline.
The ideal candidate for hair transplantation has healthy hair follicles on the side and back of the head. These regions represent the areas where the hair follicles to be transplanted are harvested.
Your surgeon will inform you about hair transplantation techniques in the consultation. Those who have male or female pattern baldness, those who have hair loss because of scars, scalp injuries, cosmetic surgery procedures, people who have previously undergone hair transplantation procedures may be ideal candidates for hair transplantation.
In the techniques demonstrated in recent years, the use of local anesthesia and intravenous sedation has eliminated the pain. One week after the end of the hair transplant process, you can continue your ordinary daily life where you left off, wash, cut, and dye your hair.
Hair Transplant Process in Zen Polyclinic: Hygienic, Professional and Successful
In transplantation with hair follicles taken from the most suitable areas for graft harvesting (back and sides of the scalp), your hair remains alive and grows throughout your life. Hair on the back and side of the scalp in men and women is programmed to grow for life.
The grafts conducted from these donor areas are transferred to the balding areas and because of the grafting, the hair starts to grow naturally and continues. The scalp strip carrying a small amount of hair is removed from the back and side of the head from the donor area. The area where the strip is taken is covered and the incredibly thin line established is concealed between the remaining hairs.
Next, the scalp strip containing a small amount of hair is microscopically divided and transplanted in varied sizes, considering the conditions of the scalp and your special demands, if any. Since the roots of the hair that grow after the procedure are your hair, it is not different from normal hair. The use of local anesthesia and sedation applied during the procedure prevents you from feeling any pain. Our specialist doctors consider the direction and growth angle of your hair and successfully apply your hair transplantation. After the consultation phase, the procedure requires one or two more procedures performed at intervals of several months, each procedure may take between 2-4 hours.
What happens after a hair transplant?
- You can usually get back to work within a day or two.
- Hair is washed by our experts after each treatment.
- It is recommended that you avoid vigorous physical activities for about 1 week.
- Medication is applied for the swelling that may occur after the procedure.
- Small crusts and itching in the transplantation area may continue for a week or 10 days.
- Follow-up examinations are made at 3 and 6-month intervals to monitor the process.
A significant part of the transplanted hair sheds at the end of the first month, after about 3 months the transplanted hair begins to grow, the growth rate is the same as normal hair. At the end of the 6th month, the hair starts to gain a natural appearance, and this situation lasts for a lifetime.
In the harvested donor area, a tiny line under the hair is almost invisible. In contrast to surgical procedures performed in other parts of the body, complications are exceedingly rare in hair transplant surgery. Rarely, minimal bleeding and infection occur. During the consultation phase, your surgeon will give you detailed explanatory information about the entire process.