Performing Hair Transplant with Hair Taken From Someone Else
Surgical modern hair transplant procedures generally lead to high-quality and successful results that last for a lifetime. Moreover, the biggest disadvantage of hair transplant operations is the inadequate amount of health graft found along the back and sides of the head; known as the donor area amongst people.
Patients with a wide bald region should not have high expectations from surgical hair transplant operations. In such instances, it is not possible to achieve perfect results and have a full head of hair. Due to the inadequacy of the donor area, a question that rises to surface is the possibility of undergoing a hair transplant operation using another person’s hair as a resource. This question is not only unclear to those that wish to solve related issues, rather, it is a question mark that boggles the minds of doctors as well.
Dr. Colin Jahoda was the first to perform studies on this topic in 1999, which led to interesting outcomes. In the study performed, some hairs taken from the doctor’s scalp were implanted on his wife Dr. Amada Reynolds’ arm. The results showed that Dr. Amanda Reynolds’ skin did not reject male hair particles and beginning stages of hair growth was observed. Extensive tests performed on hair follicle genes that make up Dr. Amada Reynolds’ arm displayed both women and men genes.
Although there are no currently existing operations that can be realized through hair follicles taken from another individual, current studies being performed with regard to this topic show promise towards future work that could solve this issue.
The studies mentioned above actually indicate that rather than removing real hair from Dr. Colin Jahoda, it was the dermal cover genes which were removed instead with the aid of a highly strong microscope. Even though this scenario may make it seem as if such an operation could be performed between individuals that have no genetic ties, it is seen that success was only found when the operation was done with twins.
Twins carry identical DNA coding. This happens when a single fertilized egg splits into two. In the case of fraternal twins, fertilizing happens through two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm genes, leading them to have differing DNA structure. To have the same DNA clustering means that each sibling with that individuals that belong to it will have identical protein structure found at the root of their hair. For this reason, hair transplant performed on single-egg-twins should not cause threats towards their immune systems. Despite popular belief, it is still possible for issues to arise during hair transplant operations performed between twins with an identical DNA coding structure. Since hair transplant has a learning curve that is similar to blood transfusion; it remains possible that at times the transplant could be performed with hair taken from a complete stranger, while at times, issues may rise even during transplant done between identical twins, leaving many questions yet to be answered.
Although the success of hair transplant differs for each person, a successful transplant operation carries the probability of the body rejecting the newly implanted hair after a certain period of time.
You can receive detailed information in regard to hair transplant procedures and ask any questions you may be curious about to our doctors at Özel Zen Poliklinik . . .