Baby Face Beauty Laser Application
Baby Face application, which is preferred by those who do not possess much time to devote to skincare, is performed with Thulium laser and is offered to support you to obtain effective results with the modern devices of the Zen Polyclinic. Thulium laser ensures that your skin reaches the vitamins and minerals it needs with its painless and short application. Thanks to this new generation treatment method, your skin gains nourishing and illuminating active ingredients at the same time.
Zen Polyclinic Baby Face Laser Application Content
The nanoparticular products used in the Baby Face application procedure, prepared by Lutronic, the company that made the Thulium laser device, contain the following contents:
- C vitamin
- Tranexamic acid
- Resveratrol
- Retinol
What are the Benefits of the Baby Face Application?
The ingredients above enable the skin to benefit from all the nourishing effects it needs to take naturally with its nutritional routine but cannot get. The effect of Thulium laser used in Babyface on your skin is as follows:
- It minimizes the signs of aging on your skin: The treatment of fine wrinkles, especially in the mimic areas, and the removal of light brown spots that develop with aging are possible thanks to this illuminating anti-aging mixture. It is known that retinol and resveratrol, shown as a type of vitamin A, are highly effective ingredients in the treatment of aging and wrinkles.
- It is brightening and brightening: Most of the substances used in Baby Face application, especially vitamin C, aim to reveal the brightness that the skin has naturally but lost for distinct reasons. People with various marks or spots on their skin notice that these spots lighten after a few sessions thanks to the tranexamic acid used in the Babyface application.
- Provides antioxidant effect: Independent radicals in your skin are disruptive factors for the functions of collagen production, ceramide activity, and other protective factors. The active presence of these radicals in your skin can cause the tissue to lose moisture, become sensitive and dull. The antioxidant ingredients used in the Baby Face application help fight free radicals.
Who Can Have the Baby Face Application?
Baby Face, made with the 1927 nm wavelength Thulium laser, is a suitable procedure for all skin types. Anyone uncomfortable with skin spots, loss of elasticity of their skin, or the appearance of matting at the transition of the season can receive Babyface application.
Unlike other laser treatments, Baby Face is only a ten-minute procedure. Therefore, you can complete your beauty procedure at the Zen Polyclinic by visiting your specialist, whom you had previously made an appointment with, even during a lunch break.
With Which Treatments Can It Be Combined?
Baby Face applied with Thulium laser and Q Switch laser can be applied in combination to obtain more effective results for people who feel darker or dirty due to environmental oxidants and want their skin color to be lighter and brighter. Q Switch laser represents a remarkably effective application especially in the treatment of brown spots.
What are the Stages of Baby Face Application?
Babyface is an extremely fast procedure. Your specialist doctor in Zen Polyclinic completes your treatment within the framework of the following stages.
- Foremost, your doctor will perform a brief examination. It is examined whether you have a skin problem that will interfere with the procedure.
- Thanks to the technology offered by Thulium laser, the serum mixture prepared through micro channels opened on your skin is applied to your skin.
- The contents prepared are not the same for everyone. Essential ingredients are left stable as they are beneficial for all skin types. But the types of these essential ingredients are determined by your doctor based on the skin problem you have. In this way, you will benefit from a personalized treatment process.
- Approximately five or six minutes of laser application is performed after the microchannels are opened. This application allows the mixture provided under the tissue to integrate with the skin in the most efficient effective way. This integration maximizes the effectiveness of drugs.
How Many Sessions Does Baby Face Application Take?
How many sessions the Baby Face procedure should take in the Zen Polyclinic is determined by your doctor, depending on the number and intensity of your skin problems. It is typically preferred to apply a laser care plan of 3 or 4 sessions. It may cause redness for about 40-45 minutes after laser treatment. However, this rash is due to short-term sensitivity.
Is the Baby Face Laser Safe?
The Thulium laser device LaseMD, which has the American FDA approval, offers a completely reliable medical procedure for the Baby Face laser procedure. You can safely experience Thulium laser technology, which does not cause any side effects other than mild rashes, in the Zen Polyclinic. Within the scope of COVID-19 precautions, we direct maximum attention to your health both during the procedure and before and after the procedure with our hygiene measures, which we focus on even more precisely.